Two Bellydance Companies Under One Roof!

  • Emerald Starling Bellydance

    Led by Liz H, group improvisational belly dance is a type of dance where the performers communicate with each other via body language and cues to create an entire performance on the fly! As a teacher and performer, I am inspired by traditional Middle Eastern dance, North African dance, Indian dance, and Flamenco. Visit Emerald Starling’s Website here.


    classes currently on break

  • Bella Luna Bellydance

    Led by Liz L, tribal fusion belly dance classes cover basic techniques to isolate the ribs and hips, while layering fluid arm movements. Students are taught to combine techniques into combinations, and combinations into choreographies. Classes use contemporary music, influenced by everything from Middle Eastern to American electronic and hip hop music.


    Beginner Level: Mondays 6:30-7:30pm next session starting Nov 7